Monday, November 5, 2012

How beautiful it is to see a marriage of three!

No, I am not talking about polygamy or "sister wives," but rather, a marriage that consists of a husband, wife, and Jesus Christ. God, who lies at the center of a marraige, makes it most beautiful. A field full of wildflowers is more beautiful than a field of grass. A lake full of clear water is more beautiful than a barren desert. So, too, a marriage full of God's presence and grace is more beautiful than one without.

My husband is a cradle Catholic, too. In some strange way, I really appreciate this. Even though it was ideally not in the Divine Plan for us to be such lax Catholics, I am thankful that God was patient with us. He gave us this many years already to change ourselves. He did not turn His back to us. He still loves us unconditionally. He gave me a husband who had a similar upbringing. Through this gift, we have been able to work on our faith journey together. It has been a beautiful discovery.

Our life and relationship have changed a lot in the last several months. We used to just spend time with each other. We would watch a lot of TV together, have dinner together, go on small get-aways together. We probably looked like the typical newlywed couple. But do you notice that our time was only spent with one another? Sure, we went to Mass on Sundays and prayed before dinner, but that was it. Other than that, it was just the two of us, and our [weak] relationships with God were personal and our own. Now, it's the three of us, and the three relationships are inseparable. We spend more time reading Sacred Scripture, reading and sharing other religious books, praying the Rosary every night before bed, talking about God, reading the Catechism during the Year of Faith, etc. Suddenly, it's not about the two of us anymore, but the three of us.

My deepest desire is for my husband to know God as much as possible and to get to Heaven. I now feel like I am working on fulfilling my true "wifey" duties. God graciously gave me my husband ("...what God has joined together..." Matthew 19:6) . He entrusted his little child to my care and love. "It is not good for man to be alone... That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife..." Genesis 2:18,24

We have set our eyes on God. We are on a journey, hand-in-hand, to Heaven. Through much prayer and conversation, we have come back in full communion with the Church. This would not have been possible for either of us on our own, or without the grace of God. Our relationship and marriage have never felt so full, so blessed, so full of His grace.

Thank You, Jesus, for being One in our triune marriage.

God love you.

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