Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Through the darkness shines the Light

Christ is eternal. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. At those times in life where we committed especially our worst sins, we kicked Him out of our life. But later, after seeking His forgiveness and reconciliation, He went back to those times in our life. He lovingly took us by the hand and removed us from those situations as He wiped away our sins in the confessional. He is eternal.
So then, for Him and for us, the past 24 hours must have seemed like the Passion all over again.
Last night, Christ was with us in the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, when the faithful begged God to help us. To change the future. To let peace reign. To let our religious freedoms be defended. To let marriage be defended. To let innocent unborn babies be defended. We were with Christ last night in the Garden; He was with us, begging to the Father to let these evils pass from us, but in the end, to accept whatever cup He gives us.
Last night, the mobs gathered to scream bloody hell with demonic passion. To those late-term babies in Texas, those ugly mobs yelled, “CRUCIFY THEM! CRUCIFY THEM!” Them, being the most innocent and helpless among us. Jesus was the most innocent among us when the Jews cried out for His death. The mobs screamed and hollered for the shedding of innocent blood.
Today, Mr. Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and 5 Supreme Court Justices took turns scourging Jesus at the pillar. Jesus is no friend of Caesar’s (the government’s); He is a voice that must be silenced. Nancy Pelosi denied the body of Christ, and by publicly scourging Him, denied her place in the Body of Christ. Five Justices denounced the God-given Truth about marriage. Each had a heavy hand today in ripping apart His Body.
But American citizens are not innocent either. Those who supported that Texas filibuster were there at the scourging, spitting in His face. They caused His tears to fall—not the pain from the whips—but the pain of being mocked and hated by those that He loves. They slapped Him, kicked Him, and knocked Him down. Every American (especially Catholics, who know better) who is celebrating the redefinition of marriage abused Him all the way up to Calvary. They, too, spit in His face, saying, "We don't need you!" They pushed Him over as He carried the weight of the world in that Cross. They mocked Him as He hung by the nails through His flesh, dying a criminal’s death.
My God, how can You endure it?
Just because Jesus’ Passion is eternal, and became very pronounced today, we can’t stop reading before we get to the end of the story! The bloodied cross is followed by the empty tomb! Jesus conquers sin and death right when the world seems darkest!
“I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” John 16:33
Indeed He has. And He is working right now. There is light shining in the darkness (John 1:5) for those who open their eyes. “But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.” Romans 5:20
“Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope.” 1 Peter 3:15
My hope is in Jesus’ Resurrection. He conquered sin. He conquered death. As dark as things look sometimes, I have no reason to despair, ever. My hope is eternal because Jesus is eternal.
Jesus, have mercy on us! I trust in you!


  1. Lacey, thanks for posting this. I am saddened by the current political events, especially with a self-proclaimed Catholics who openly defy Church teachings. It is disheartening to me to observe political figures use their influence to misguide others, advance a culture of death, and kill innocent babies. Power certainly has corrupted them. I will be praying for their change of heart. I am ashamed of this society that kills their innocent unborn young children. I am praying for a more moral country for my own kids.

    1. It's so hard to watch everything unfurl the way it does. But Jesus and the Apostles can't say they didn't warn us. All we can really do is pray hard and do whatever we can, big or small, to change hearts and save souls. Nothing is impossible with God!
